Sunday, February 6, 2011

Platform Updates: Change Log, Third Party IDs and More

By Fran Larkin 

Platform Change Log

We generally announce notable changes on the Developer Blog and minor changes in these Friday blog posts. We’re now also providing a change log for developers to identify changes in our weekly push that may impact their applications.

Third Party IDs

As a reminder, we prohibit Platform developers from passing any data from Facebook to data brokers. Starting January 1st, any applications that need an anonymous, unique identifier to use with permitted partners must use our third party ID mechanism.

End of Year Deprecations

In August, we announced that we’re deprecating some old and infrequently used FBML tags and API methods. Starting the first week of January, these API methods will return an error. These may be breaking changes, so view the full list to see if your applications will be impacted. Please note that based on feedback from developers, pages.blockFan will continue to be supported.